What did I build for EduSands Hacks (Formerly NorCal Hacks)?
My peers often believe that you should heed one thing at a time. If the academic session is in progress, you should not be volunteering for the events or participating in competitions. This is one of many reasons why I prefer to participate in hackathons as an individual participant.
The theme for the EduSands Hacks was “Social Good”, a broad and very extensive topic, that contains numerous sub-topics. I brainstormed about the subject for a few days. Since I have previously attended the MUN Conferences, have an idea of what “Social Good” could be. Hence, I took help from various resources and got an idea from one of the most unimaginable places, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”
The third article of the declaration helped me form an idea, to create an application to help every marginalized community ensure their safety, freedom, and liberty.
Later, I worked on the subsequent necessary things that were actually necessary to be done before starting its production.
(PS: You can learn more about those things from here)
When naming it, I wanted to use a certain word from a certain language that is spoken by any marginalized community around the world. Hence, I decided to name it “Tahi”, which is a Maori word for “Together”.

I designed the UI design using Figma and since the deadlines were near and Eid was nearby, I stuck to my UI design and improvised it to make it much better and eligible for submission, to stand a chance to win any award.
On 29th July, the results were announced, and “Tahi” was AMONG the TOP 300 projects submitted from a total of 715 participating teams.

It couldn’t be possible without thorough research, better user interactive design, and a viable business model. I am thankful to the Almighty, and I pray that may He always bless me with more and more success in years to come.
You can view the UI design of this project from here.
I really hope you find this article very insightful, and I really want to thank my friend Hassam, who advised me to showcase my stuff to the world by writing more often. I am on a mission and will be more frequent in posting articles here as well.
Do share it with your teammates and your fellow participants. Danke.